for the time passed passing and going to be passed while watching and being watched
filming and being filmed
projecting and being projected
for the time passed passing and going to be passed while watching and being watched
filming and being filmed
projecting and being projected
Video Installation
Loop 12h
Berlin, 2022
Loop 12h
Berlin, 2022
The film is a collage of sequences with certain fictional theatricality captured in the everyday life, of how time unfolds at different speeds in spaces where realities coexist. Put together in a 12-hours loop that alters slightly in every repetition, the film tries to define the boundary between fictionality and reality inherent in the medium.
The installation is an invitation to fall asleep and wake up with the film, to fall into and away from times and spaces, in the permanent loop between return and escape. As if a lucid dream on a night train to somewhere, where the reflections on the window were castles in the air. It explores the experiential aspects of film, of how the affective change of states that unfolds in the course of watching could be as natural as the everyday life itself; as well as the mechanism of chance of how the past overlaps the present time, as every audience would have experienced a different film, depending on when they leave and arrive.
The work is a naive attempt to imitate life as an incomprehensible complex of chances, coincidences, changes, repetitions, joy, frustration, of seemingly predictability patterns that yet deconstructs itself in the procession of time, of the sense of already grasping something that then disappears without leaving traces behind.